Did you miss me? and Bla Bla Bla

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Guess who’s back!

I’ve been away from the blogging world for a week and it feels like AGES.
It was kind of weird but I definitely needed it.
I decided to come back with a blabbering post.


Indovinate chi è tornato?
Sono stata lontano dal mondo del blog per una settimana e mi sembrano anni, è stato proprio strano ma ci voleva.
Il post di oggi sarà uno di chiacchiere, aggiorniamoci un po’!

Blogging break.

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Just a quick post that I’m taking a blogging break. My life is really busy at the moment and taking the time to write bilingual posts, take some decent pictures

Ethnic Beauty?

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Third post in a day, sorry about this girls.
This post is going to be a little rant so if you don’t want to read my complaints feel free to come back tomorrow.
Tre post in un giorno, perdonatemi ragazze.
Questo post sarà un po’ incazzato quindi se non avete voglia di leggere le mie lamentele sentitevi libere di tornare domani.


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Sometimes life has no mercy. One bad thing after the other. You can’t even stop to think about the gravity and enormity of the challenges you’re facing, you just struggle

Life, Trains and Bla Bla Bla.

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Hey there!
How are you? I’m so happy and busy these day, I wanted to catch up a little with you.
Come state? In questi giorni sono particolarmente felice ma anche particolarmente impegnata, volevo recuperare un po’.

Back to school.

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Just a quick post to tell you that I’m not responding to comments and I’m not commenting on your blogs because I’m back to uni. Which means getting up at

Thank you.

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I didn’t close my eyes, I’m almost smiling and I have a rabbit! Non ho chiuso gli occhi, sto quasi sorridendo e ho un coniglio!   I had a tough