The Porefessional

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When it first came out, I really didn’t want to buy this product.

I usually don’t believe in life-changing products, so I stubbornly decided that I’ll just avoid the Benefit counter for a couple of weeks.
But a lovely sales assistant at Sephora basically forced me to try it.
Well she didn’t actually force me, I just can’t say no when someone volunteers to put something on my face/eyes/whatever.
I was wearing foundation, the girl put a tiny amount of product on the critical spots, yes nose I’m talking about you, and I was truly amazed.
I have quite good skin but I have a pore problem on my nose and The Porefessional solves it.
I’ve tried using it before and after my foundation and liked it both ways.
I love the silky, lightweight texture and the fact that you don’t need tons of it to minimize your pores, I’ve been using a lot in the last months and the tube is still quite full.
Here’s the best thing: Benefit always makes amazing gift ideas and this year there’s All Decked Out, which includes a mini Some kind-a gorgeous, BeneTint and Porefessional for a great price!
It’s a great gift for a friend or, if you’re feeling selfish, yourself!
Have you tried this product?
Do you like it?
With love,


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