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Hey girls! How’s your week so far? I  have my first exam tomorrow -micro-economy- and I’m quite nervous. Anyway, online window shopping is always a good thing, don’t you think?


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I was studying at my desk just a couple of minutes ago while my library started to shake. We had another quake last night which scared me just as much.

I want your opinion!

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Hey girls! A quick post to ask your opinion! What kind of posts would you like to read more? Tags, reviews, random stuff, books reviews…? I like to write about

Full Coverage Concealer

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I haven’t tried THE right concealer yet, but this is reaaaally close. Non ho ancora trovato IL correttore giusto, ma questo ci va molto vicino. My main need is coverage

The only storm I like.

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Little confession: I’m afraid of storms. I know a lot of people find them beautiful but I can’t help it, they scare me! Piccola confessione: ho paura delle tempeste. So

Drawing the line

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If you’re reading this post you probably love makeup as much as I do. If you have my tastes, you love smoky eyes, cat-liner eye, red lipstick, dark lipsticks and