Nude Ingenue

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L’Oreal Rouge Caresse lipsticks are really famous and loved by beauty bloggers, so you probably already know them. If you don’t, where have you been lady?! Anyway, I have to

First and Last

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I found this product in a Glossybox. It’s a China Glase base and top coat called First&Last. I have to say that I’ve been pleasantly surprised by this product. I’ve

Essence Haul

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I’ve luckily found a full Essence stand! I almost couldn’t believe it. I bought, from the new collection Ready for Boarding, the eyeshadow palette, the makeup bag and a lip&cheek

Sugar Coral

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I love H&M blushes! Here you can see the review of Sweet Rose. This one is called Sugar Coral. It’s a bright matte coral that I find perfect for summer.


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You already know that I really love books. Even if I love my Kindle I can’t help loving *regular* books more and lately I’ve restarted to buy them. During the


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I love Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencils. I’ve realized that there are two strong opinions about these pencils, some girls hate theme while the others love them. I personally find

My first OASAP order!

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I’m sure you’ve all heard about OASAP fashion hunter program. If you’re a blogger and would like to hear more about this opportunity email me at, you’ll have the


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  Maple on the L I loved Buff’d eyeshadows but this bronzer, Maple, it’s not for me. It’s really too light for me, it almost disappears on my skin! So


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Haul time!   I’ve tried a Caudalìe Crème Sorbet sample when I found it in a Glossybox and I fell in love it! I bought the full size version and

Eyeliner Pen

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I’ve had this Essence eyeliner pen for a while and now I’m ready to share my opinion about it. The pen tip make it easier to apply but you can’t