Review. Primark Pastel Eyeshadow in Sheer Delight

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Today’s post is about another Primark product, a liquid eyeshadow.
I’ve looked for this online but I couldn’t find anything so I don’t know if this is still available.
I bought it last summer and I didn’t see it in store in january so it’s probably discontinued.
Il post di oggi è su un altro prodotto Primark, un ombretto liquido.
Mi rendo conto che possa essere fastidioso leggere review di prodotti che non si trovano in Italia, prometto che i prossimi prodotti recensiti saranno reperibili anche da noi!
Tra l’altro questo penso non si trovi più neanche in Inghilterra, l’ho cercato online ma non ho trovato nulla.
Io l’ho preso la scorsa estate ma non l’ho visto in negozio a gennaio quindi probabilmente non c’è più.

Review: Bourjois Effet Smoky in Smoked Brown

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I know I often complain about the non-availability of certain brands in Italy but I can’t help it.
I just fell in love with this beautiful eye pencil Caise sent me and I wish I could buy every single shade available in the range.
We would be so happy together, I’d sharpen them when needed and make amazing (yes I’m slightly exaggerating)  smoky eyes with them.


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It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday!

Today’s post is about an OPI nailpolish called My Pointe Exactly, part of the NYC Ballet set.
I absolutely love this shade, a soft grey (could it be greige? I always wanted to have a greige nailpolish) that works with everything.
It takes three coats to look like this, with the first two it’s really too sheer.
I’m quite afraid it makes me look dead but I still love it.
Do you like this kind of color?

Books: The Adrian Mole Diaries

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The Adrian Mole Diaries by Sue Townsend.

Today’s post it’s not about a specific book but about a whole series of books, eight books to be specific.
In the pictures above you can see The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole by Sue Townsend but I have every book that tells Adrian’s crazily normal  adventures.

Foundations and bla bla bla.

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Today’s post it’s kind of random, I hope you don’t mind.

Let’s talk about foundations!
My skincare routine seems to work, fingers crossed, and I’m quite happy with how my skin looks.
When I do my makeup I always do my eyes first and, when I’m done with them, I look at my face and I feel like there’s something missing.

Beauty Products NOT Worth The Hype

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Taking pics for this post was a total NIGHTMARE. My adorable little nephew decided that he had to play with my things, roll on the carpet and scream at the same time.

As you read in the title, today’s post it’s about beauty products not worth the hype.
There are only three products as you can see, considerably less than the beauty products that I consider worth the hype.
This has a quick explanation: I read tons of detailed reviews (much more detailed than the one I write actually) before spending my money so I pretty much know what I’m buying.
If you like detailed reviews I highly suggest you Dotted Around, I already know you’re going to love it.
So when I buy something I don’t like I usually didn’t read a review about it!
These products have been quite a disappointment, in different ways.