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I’ve been quite sick in the last few days and I can’t stand being stuck at home anymore.
Anyway, I managed to study quite a lot, so today I’m just going to read my new book, catch up with the blogs I love and show you my latest wishes.

I just love this palette.
You can find the full Lagerfeld’s line here.
In my opinion, the palette is the best product.
Karl-shaped eyeshadows, do I need to say more?

We missed you!

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Hey girls, we feel SO guilty for our looong absence! We had a few personal dramas, mixed with too little time and a couple of technical issues. Anyway, we’re back


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My hate for Sundays is getting worse every week.

This week has been quite tough, university is starting to require more time and attention.
In this  post I’m going to show you my latest desires.
pic source: temptalia


I already own Chanel Illusion d’Ombre in Epatant and I really like it, I’d love to try the other shades.
Too bad they’re soo expensive!


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When I was a teenager, young, shy and without any kind of self confidence…
Ok let’s write this again.
When I was 14, six whole years ago!, I just didn’t like myself.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not madly in love with the way I look now.
But years, experiences and a couple of special words helped me to appreciate what I have.
Make up, while not being the most important thing in my life, helps me accept my appearance, highlighting my best features and hiding my flaws.

LAZY SUNDAY- Weekly pick vol. I

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I don’t really like this particular day of the week.

I just can’t manage to do all the things I’d like to and I usually end up reading and sleeping
Anyway, today I spent some time on the web, browsing various websites.
And here’s the result of those hours, a pointless post.
I’m going to show you what I’d like to buy this winter, things that I’ve been wanting for ages and things that I’ve just found.


7 things I Love about you

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I just received a Tell Me About Yourself award from caise 🙂 Thank you so much! 🙂  The rules: Thank and link back to the person that awarded you. Write 7 random


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HEEEEY GIRLS! Yesterday was my birthday and I’m FINALLY tweeenty. This year is the beginning of a new era, I’m starting university, I’m working, I’m growing.. L. is the person