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When I was a teenager, young, shy and without any kind of self confidence…
Ok let’s write this again.
When I was 14, six whole years ago!, I just didn’t like myself.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not madly in love with the way I look now.
But years, experiences and a couple of special words helped me to appreciate what I have.
Make up, while not being the most important thing in my life, helps me accept my appearance, highlighting my best features and hiding my flaws.

COLLEGE. YES, IT’S HAPPENING. Two of a kind vol I

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L. and I finally started college.
Sadly, we’re not attending the same course, so we can’t see each other every day.
And, even worse, we had to face a first-day-of-school by ourselves.
In this post I’m going to tell you how my first day was and L. is going to do the same very soon.
We’re starting a new series, along with the Weekly Pick! one, in which we’ll talk about the same subject with our different point of views.
The day before my BIG DAY I was a wreck.
In my mind I had huuuge confusion.

What to wear?
Will I make new friends?
Will I find my way in the various classes without getting lost?
Will I like every course I have?
Will I make myself ridiculous in front of everyone, spilling my coffee on my books?
Should I wear lipstick?

LAZY SUNDAY- Weekly pick vol. I

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I don’t really like this particular day of the week.

I just can’t manage to do all the things I’d like to and I usually end up reading and sleeping
Anyway, today I spent some time on the web, browsing various websites.
And here’s the result of those hours, a pointless post.
I’m going to show you what I’d like to buy this winter, things that I’ve been wanting for ages and things that I’ve just found.



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When traveling, I used to end up with a ridiculous amount of make-up in my hand luggage and I never used even half of it.

In the last year or so, I’ve started to bring with me beauty kits and my foundation.
This way, I end up with a ridiculous amount of beauty kits.
I’m such a mess.
Anyway, today I’m going to tell you everything about my favorite one.
Her name was Glowla is The perfect kit.
It was one of my brother’s numerous  gift (I have the PERFECT brother, I know)
First of all, the name.
It obviously reminds me of The Kink’s great song, Lola:


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I’d love to be a bad girl.

Actually I’m not a good girl, either.
I’m something in between.
Anyway, around Christmas, I found at my Sephora my two first Sleek’s palette: Good Girl and Bad Girl.

So far, I basically haven’t touched the GG but I’ve used a lot the BG one.

I just don’t know how to use all those red and pink on my eyes, I need your advice!


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Another great gift I received this month was a selection of the MAC Me Over! LE, gifted by D.

He gave me a few great products, just the one I would’ve bought for myself.


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This gorgeous aqualumière was part of a summer Limited Edition in 2009, Cote D’Azur. Ischia is the only aqualumière I’ve tried so far but I can say that I really


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      For my birthday, I decided to buy a couple of special things I’ve seen at Sephora. First of all theThe Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils 15


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        You already know I mainly use neutrals colors. But sometimes, rarely, I like to play a little. I’ve already told you that I’ve been using some


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This is the only product I bought from the Semi-Precious collection. It wasn’t the only one I liked but it was basically the last Mineralize Eyeshadow there. Anyway, I’m so