Lush, you really got me now.

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This is the second product I’m loving by Lush. It’s the Snow Fairy Lip Tint and it’s just amazing. Questo è il secondo prodotto che sto adorando di Lush. E’

Room Tag

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No. Sadly this is not my room. I’ve found this tag in Snow White’s Queen Blog,check it out,-for italian readers only- and decided to do it straight away! Ho trovato

H&M Concealer

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I love high end products but I love finding great products for a little price even more. This H&M concealer is one of the best concealer I’ve ever tried. It

I need some Lush in my life

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I’ve never actually gave Lush a chance. I’ve tried some random products but I never found that WOW product that made me fall in love with this brand. My sister