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This week is almost over, yay! It has been quite a tough week but, luckly, we’re almost done. Did you have a nice week? Questa settimana è quasi finita, yay!

Are you the one?

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This is probably the best concealer I own at the moment, perfect for my dark circles. I’m talking about MAC Select Moisturecover. It’s really hydrating, -I set it with a

Snow Update

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Yesterday it snowed all day, again. Everything looks prettier covered in white. I just hope I’ll be able to reach Milan by train tomorrow, I have an exam! Ieri ha

Clinique Superbalanced Foundation

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I’m finishing all my foundations, YAY! Today I’m going to talk with you about Clinique’s superbalanced foundation. Sto finendo tutti i miei fondotinta, YAY! Oggi vi parlerò del Superbalanced di

January Favorites.

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Hey girls! January is already over, can you believe it? I actually can’t, anyway here my fave products of the month. Gennaio è già finito, ci credete? Io non riesco


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Yesterday it snowed aaaall day. I love snow but I wish I could stay in my bed, reading, sleeping and eating chocolate. Ieri ha nevicato tutto il giorno. Amo la