My shopping ban is ooooover!

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I’ve told you about it here and yes, it’s finally over! I can’t quite believe I made it but, well, I did! Not buying -not only makeup related, my shopping ban

Mr. Copper Fields

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This Catrice eyeshadow had my name written all over. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. It’s a light bronze, a superlight bronze, and I really  like it.

I want more MAC in my life.

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WANT I love MAC products. I always use everything I buy from them, I actually have enough finished product to do a Back2Mac, and they never disappoint me. Sadly, or


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I absolutely love this Sleek lipstick. It’s called Vixen and it’s from the true colors range. A superbright red with just the perfect texture, smooth and creamy. It lasts all day

Use in case of Emergency

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When I’m really busy, EXAMS, or when I’m in a real hurry I always end up using the same kind of  products. Quando sono veramente impegnata, ESAMI, o quando sono

Bourjois Bronzing Powder

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I really like this bronzer by Bourjois. The only thing that I don’t like about this thing is that I really makes me want to eat tons of chocolate because

Smokey Eyes.

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Have you seen the 5th Element? Well I did and I really liked it. But, what I liked the most, is the way Leeloo did her makeup. Avete visto Il


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Franci aspetta una bambina! E, per festeggiare, sta facendo il suo primo giveaway! Ecco qui il ink per partecipare.