Foundations and bla bla bla.

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Today’s post it’s kind of random, I hope you don’t mind.

Let’s talk about foundations!
My skincare routine seems to work, fingers crossed, and I’m quite happy with how my skin looks.
When I do my makeup I always do my eyes first and, when I’m done with them, I look at my face and I feel like there’s something missing.

Beauty Products NOT Worth The Hype

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Taking pics for this post was a total NIGHTMARE. My adorable little nephew decided that he had to play with my things, roll on the carpet and scream at the same time.

As you read in the title, today’s post it’s about beauty products not worth the hype.
There are only three products as you can see, considerably less than the beauty products that I consider worth the hype.
This has a quick explanation: I read tons of detailed reviews (much more detailed than the one I write actually) before spending my money so I pretty much know what I’m buying.
If you like detailed reviews I highly suggest you Dotted Around, I already know you’re going to love it.
So when I buy something I don’t like I usually didn’t read a review about it!
These products have been quite a disappointment, in different ways.

Review: MUA Lip Gloss Shade 5

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Here’s a lipgloss I won thanks to Hermosa’s contest!

It’s a MUA lipgloss and it’s the shade 5. It’s a beautiful light pink shade with gold glitters in it.
The glitters are not too big, you can’t feel them on your lips.
It has a fruity scent that I really like, it’s not too overwhelming.
It’s quite sticky but not too much, enough to last more than the blink of an eye but not too much to give that annoying feeling of glued lips.
I’m really liking MUA’s products so far and I really want to try out more stuff!
I’m going to London in January, I’m really happy about it so you’re going to hear me blabber about it for months, and I’ll surely buy something.
Any advice?

Beauty Products Worth The Hype pt. II

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Hey girls!
Here’s the second part of beauty products worth the hype.
I’m really happy you’ve liked the first part and I’d love to read your own version of this post!

Ecco qui la seconda parte del post dei prodotti che valgono la fama che hanno.
Sono molto felice che vi sia piaciuta la prima parte e mi piacerebbe molto leggere la vostra versione di quel post!

Review: Rimmel Glam’Eyes in Tribute

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These Rimmel eyeshadows have been a pleasant discovery.

I’ve already talked with you about Punchy Taupe and today I’ll talk about another shade, Tribute.
When I showed it to you in a haul post Sarah described it as a mauve-purple-taupe and I think it’s pretty much the perfect description. It has a shimmery finish but it’s not too sparkly.

Beauty Products Worth The Hype! pt. I aka I prodotti beauty che valgono un hype (sciopone)

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Here’s the first part of my personal selection of beauty products worth the hype!

I’d like to know if you agree with my choices, let me know in the comments your experiences with these products.
I’d link the reviews when available.
Let’s start!

Questo genere di post è molto famoso all’estero, in Italia non mi è sembrato di averlo visto.
Consiste nel parlare dei prodotti di cui si parla molto in positivo e che si meritano la loro fama.
Per conoscere l’origine del brillante titolo in italiano raggiungetemi su twitter con l’hashtag #ibbloggers.
Ovviamente la scelta dei prodotti si basa sull’esperienza personale, MA VA?, quindi sono curiosissima di sapere voi cosa ne pensate di questi prodotti.
Linkerò la review dei prodotti dove c’è, considerate che ce ne sono alcune davvero molto vecchie e con foto pietose, se ci fosse qualcosa che vi interessa particolarmente fatemelo sapere che vi faccio delle foto migliori.
Oggi vi mostro la prima parte di questo post, ho deciso di farne due come mi avete suggerito.
Stavo pensando di fare un terzo post con i prodotti di cui si parla molto e che non si meritano, secondo me, la loro fama.

NOTD: OPI You Don’t Know Jacques+question!

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Quick post to show you my newest nailpolish, OPI You Don’t Know Jacques, and to wish you a great sunday!

I have a quick question for you, would you like to read a post about beauty products worth the hype?
I know a lot of girls have done that kind of post already but, especially for expensive products, I think that you can’t never read enough opinions!
I thought I could do a high end version and a drugstore one or maybe just smash everything into a loooong post.
Let me know what you think about it!

Post veloce per farvi vedere il mio ultimo smalto, OPI You Don’t Know Jacques, e per augurarvi una bellissima domenica!
Ho anche una domanda veloce per voi, vi piacerebbe leggere un post (ok, non so se esiste una traduzione decente di questa espressione quindi invento) sui prodotti di cui si parla tanto e che sono all’altezza della loro reputazione?
So che molte ragazze hanno già fatto questo tipo di post ma, specialmente per i prodotti costosi, penso che le opinioni non siano mai abbastanza.
Sono indecisa se fare due post, uno sui prodotti più costosi e uno su quelli economici, o se infilare tutto in un post un po’ più lungo.
Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate!

Thank you.

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I didn’t close my eyes, I’m almost smiling and I have a rabbit! Non ho chiuso gli occhi, sto quasi sorridendo e ho un coniglio!   I had a tough

My first (AND LAST) FOTD

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I don’t know what I’m doing.
A lot of you asked me to do a FOTD.
Well, you should now that I deeply hate you for asking! No, I don’t hate you BUT I hate having my picture taken I feel horrendous, I never know where to look, I don’t know how to smile, I close my eyes, I make weird faces.
Anyway I tried really hard, so LIE and tell me that this is the best FOTD you’ve ever seen!

Empties! – 1 –

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My first empties post! I love reading this kind of post and I’ve finally decided to do one as well. I’ve been keeping empties products for a while now, I