Are you the one?

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This is probably the best concealer I own at the moment, perfect for my dark circles.

I’m talking about MAC Select Moisturecover.
It’s really hydrating, -I set it with a powder- it lasts a lot and it covers what needs to be covered under my eyes.
I think I might have found the right concealer for me!
Let’s celebrate!
Questo è probabilmente il miglior correttore che ho al momento, perfetto per le mie occhiaie.
Sto parlando del Select Moisturecover di MAC.
E’ molto idratante, -lo fisso con la cipria- dura tanto e copre ciò che deve essere coperto.
Penso di aver trovato il correttore giusto per me!

With love,


  1. caise says:

    I'm glad you found your concealer! I wish I could try it out but of course MAC cosmetics are not available in my city 😛

  2. S. says:

    That's too bad Caise 🙁 actually, it surprises me that we have MAC in Italy, we don't really have many brands here!

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